The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre first opened on the 23rd of October 2011. We are a non-profit charity with a mission to make spirituality accessible to everyone. We achieve this by providing a space for the community to nurture their physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Situated in the heart of Edinburgh’s West End, the Centre is accommodated in the splendid surroundings of an elegant Victorian townhouse. We offer a variety of experiences in the form of workshops, classes, talks, therapies and private sittings. Recently we have been delivering a programme of online events which have attracted people from all around the world. You can also hire our spaces for meetings and events. Call us on 0131 625 0700 or email us if you want to find out more. The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre is operated by The Palmerston Trust; a Registered Charity in Scotland (SC042492).

Development Circle on Sundays at 2:00 PM (UK).